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Fire Hydrant Testing and Maintenance

As a part of their annual flow test and maintenance requirements, fire departments conduct fire hydrant testing and maintenance.

All fire hydrants must be flow tested to determine the available water flow and pressures. The health of the hydrants is evaluated with a full test, which usually takes about 15 – 30 minutes to complete.

Hydrant flushing is a vital component of an ongoing maintenance program. All hydrants operate normally during the flushing process, enabling staff to identify areas needing repair and ensure all hydrants are in proper working order.

Nearby homes should not see a noticeable drop in water pressure. However, there is a chance testing could stir up sediment in the immediate area, which could appear as discolored water. This discoloration consists primarily of harmless silt and air and does not affect the safety or quality of the water.  If this occurs, it is recommended to flush the home’s water system and refrain from laundry until your water runs clear. To flush the water system, simply turn on a cold-water faucet and let it run for 5 to 10 minutes.

Fire hydrant flowing (canva)

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